Warner's Drive-In truly appreciates Dry Run Spirits Distillery for the amazing support of our stage project. This project received a huge boost last week from this first business sponsor.
Owned and operated by Jeff and Teresa Munn of Dahmer, West Virginia, Dry Run Spirits Distillery presented a $15,000 check to become the organization's first Stage Business Sponsor. The project broke ground in September and expects to start hosting performances and special events in 2025. With this financial backing, Dry Run Spirits Distillery makes a 5-year commitment to support events, performances, and ongoing operations at the new state.
Conceived in 2016 in the early stages of Warner's conversion to non-profit status, the stage has been a long term dream and goal of the organization. Jeff & Teresa Munn were early and enthusiastic supports of the project, even as it grew in scope and size to include and incorporate necessary renovations to the drive-in's unique 4-story screen building.
In this project, Dry Run Spirits Distillery joints a private-public-community collaboration that includes the West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture & History; the Pianfetti Foundation, and many, many large and small individual donations from generous and supportive community members.
Thank you, Thank you!! We love our community.